Free-Speech Warriors (FSWs) - Anti-feminists and anti-SJWs who are always blathering on about free-speech and how evil SJWs/regressives are the ones who always shut down discussion and silence others, etc...
FSWs are indeed the morally and ethically superior ones who would never try to censor anyone or stop anyone from having an opinion or...
Oh... Wait... Um...
Nope! Nothing to see here folks. It was just a video that Kristi Winters did mocking of Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) that apparently hurt the fifi's of the FSWs. Clearly they only flagged it down to protect Carl's feelings. No one should have to suffer the horrific bullying that video was obviously directing at Carl. The humanity!
Oh, and here is the horrible video in question. Make sure to hide your children and pets when you watch it. It really is the worst kind of bullying and harassment you will ever see.
FSWs are indeed the morally and ethically superior ones who would never try to censor anyone or stop anyone from having an opinion or...
Oh... Wait... Um...
Nope! Nothing to see here folks. It was just a video that Kristi Winters did mocking of Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) that apparently hurt the fifi's of the FSWs. Clearly they only flagged it down to protect Carl's feelings. No one should have to suffer the horrific bullying that video was obviously directing at Carl. The humanity!
Oh, and here is the horrible video in question. Make sure to hide your children and pets when you watch it. It really is the worst kind of bullying and harassment you will ever see.