MUH FREE SPEECH! It's not the SJWs who are responsible for deplatforming you

I keep hearing the same old argument from many anti-feminists, self professed trolls/shitlords, and general shitbags on the right, and it goes something like this:

"SJWs are censoring us!! They are taking away our free speech!! It's all their fault, so we have to fight back with (insert racist or idiotic meme here)".

The fact is that you idiots, you "shitlords", are doing this to yourselves.

 I've said this for ages now - if you keep posting racist, antisemitic, hateful, or any other disgusting stuff online, you are free to do it, but there will be consequences to doing it. And those consequences are that you will likely find yourself blocked from places like Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms (both online and IRL).

I'm sorry if you thought that free speech meant you were somehow free from consequences for the shit you say. Life doesn't work in the way you WANT it to. Isn't that what you're always screeching at the SJWs about? That real life doesn't care about your "feelings"? Well the same applies to you, my dear piece of shit.

The truth is, you don't want free speech for all. You want free speech for YOU without any consequences for the shitty things you say. You want other people to shut up and take what ever mental diarrhea you put out. Sorry, but life doesn't work like that, snowflake.

So shut the fuck up with your whinging about SJWs or the PC police coming for your free speech. Maybe if you had a modicum of self-control or self-awareness you'd realize that it's YOU that is taking away, not only your free speech, but that of others too. All because you can't control yourself for five minutes, like an adult is supposed to.

You only have yourselves to blame for all of this "censorship". It's not the SJWs, or anyone else. Just YOU childish morons.

And the best part? In the end, the joke is on all of you idiots. You've trolled yourselves and you can't even see it. The irony is just too sweet!
